About this event

Calling all women entrepreneurs, founders, and business owners! We are excited to welcome Joanna and Shelley from W Venture to host and facilitate a 2-day training session around strategy development and implementation.


This mid-year Strategy Sprint is an agile approach to your strategy with a focus on assessing opportunities to pursue and problems to solve. Industry experts and like-minded peers will give you a fresh perspective on how to propel your venture forward. Over the two days, participants will cover strategy development sessions, peer engagement, spot coaching, feedback and refinement, and an opportunity to build your growth strategy for the second half of 2024.

Who Should Attend

You identify as a woman, leading or building a business in the Okanagan with a strong desire to grow and make a big impact. Your dreams are big and we are here to help them become a reality.

Food and drink will be provided over the two-days. This training has been highly subsidized to reduce barriers to participation. The ticket costs help to cover your catering for this 2-day training.

About the Facilitators

Shelley Voyer is a visionary strategist who excels at simplifying complex issues, uncovering gaps, and devising bridge-building plans. She has catalyzed growth for numerous startups as an EiR at VIATEC and Foresight. Shelley’s contributions extend to her role as the driving force behind W Venture, a game-changing entrepreneurship program for women in BC. With a background that includes launching an acclaimed Zuzee online community for girls and working with industry giants like Nokia and Vivendi, Shelley’s expertise shines through as co- founder of Forge Experience Design & Research, a leading UX/UI consultancy.

Joanna Buczkowska-McCumber is the go-to strategist when companies, organizations, and funders want to weave social purpose and sustainability right into their core. With a passion for turning visionary ideas into impactful realities, Joanna champions innovative solutions that bolster businesses to drive profound social change. She built multiple accelerators including League of Innovators, W Venture and the iHub. She actively contributes to a tangible future as the founder of Ideas for Impact Sustainability Agency, Chair of the Scale Institute, Executive in Residence at the University of Victoria Innovation Centre, and advisor to many impact startups.

This event will be hosted in-person at Accelerate Okanagan’s Kelowna Office in the Situation Board Room. Please come a few minutes early to check in and get settled.


“We want to replace Google Search as the first place teachers go to find trusted resources for their classroom,” says Melissa Welsh. “The topics we’re discussing in our programs are happening right now. It’s not a YouTube video produced two years ago, or a textbook that was printed 5 years ago. It’s current information to help teachers spark discussion in the classroom.”

Pursuing their very own “Nature Netflix”, Nelson BC’s Live It Earth is turning scientists into storytellers and content creators, building online curriculum and resources for Kindergarten to Grade 7 students. They are developing the Live It Earth platform to improve the nature literacy of students and teachers by creating resources that allows them to meaningfully engage with every aspect of the world we share—environmentally and culturally. Live It Earth’s content is elevated by its dedicated inclusion of indigenous perspectives, vetted experts, as well as accessibility in both French and English languages.



Recognizing the strain that teachers were experiencing, especially during the pandemic, Live It Earth was determined to reduce the time it took teachers to build lesson plans. “Teachers are a group of heavily overworked and stressed-out individuals. The amount of prep time it takes to find relevant resources which are safe for the classroom is something that needed to be addressed,” explains CEO and Co-Founder Melissa Welsh. “There are a few problems we’re trying to solve through our platform and saving teachers time is one we feel really passionate about.”

Being able to produce these learning resources wasn’t always such a quick process, though. Originally, it took the team 2-4 months to create programs by streaming on location. Once COVID hit and students were no longer able to return to the classroom, Live It Earth needed to find a solution to continue providing valuable content. “We only had 7 days to figure out what we were going to do, otherwise we would lose our contracts,” recalls CVO and Co-Founder Mike Irvine. “We went from producing a program every few months to producing a program every week for nearly three months.”

It was a risky move that we hoped would pay off.

Since its inception, Live It Earth has been more concerned with developing beneficial educational resources than hitting milestones found in typical tech companies. Demonstrating that commitment, all of the content they produce includes indigenous perspectives and is available in both English and French. “It was not a profitable decision but we knew that relevant French resources were sorely needed in BC,” explains Mike. “It was a risky move that we hoped would eventually pay off.”

After 3 years of following that risk, Live It Earth signed an agreement with Focused Education that has enabled them to bring their content to every single school in British Columbia. Melissa says that their library of bilingual and Indigenous-minded programs contributed heavily to the success of this deal. But, while the agreement opens a lot of doors for Live It Earth, the team is making sure to proceed with caution. “The thing with growth is that it means you have more to lose,” says Melissa. “That’s why we’ve committed to growing slowly—we don’t want to push as fast as we can in every direction.”



“We have the opportunity to reach 331,000 students and we want to respect that,” adds Mike. “We need to make sure that we’re doing deep reviews of the resources and content we’re creating, that our story partners are abiding by our standards, and that we’re including multiple perspectives when we handle controversial topics and create opportunities for equitable conversations.”

In pursuit of that goal, Live It Earth is partnering with Leona Prince, a member of the Lake Babine Nation and liaison for 14 First Nations communities, to share their stories using augmented reality (AR). As a part of that project, Mike is planning to collaborate with the schools and provide resources that would allow students to make their own AR stories.

“We’re also releasing an Arctic Series soon that incorporates different countries, indigenous youth from those countries, collaborations between researchers and students, and cross-cultural exchanges,” Mike continues. “Both of these projects have involved a lot of trust building over several years. We can’t wait for them to come out!“

If you’re all by yourself
and you don’t have mentors,
you don’t know that it’s normal
to have challenging times.

Larry Smith and Robin Jones, Executives-in-Residence at Accelerate Okanagan have been working with Live It Earth’s leadership team through the RevUP program, developing their skillsets as they continue to grow and move further into the education industry. “They have a very unique product that enriches the education of youth around the natural world,” says Larry. “It’s been interesting to see Melissa and Mike build their sales and leadership skills through RevUP’s coaching in order to bring in some important deals and solidify their company.”

Leadership Lessons with Larry Smith

Read about the unique skills Larry brings as an Executive-in-Residence and what lessons he’s learned along his journey.

Read More

“We went through a painful period when we realized our sales cycles were going to be much longer than expected and, for the first time, we weren’t hitting our goals,” explains Melissa. “Larry and Robin were able to facilitate some difficult conversations that we needed to have. We grew up significantly during that time because of their mentorship and support. Our company will be forever stronger for it.”

“Being an entrepreneur, you always need to wrestle with your ego, and sometimes you need someone to point that out to you,” adds Melissa. “If you’re all by yourself and you don’t have mentors, you don’t know that it’s normal to have challenging times. It was important to have Larry and Robin normalize that painful period and help cement these important lessons for us.”

As Live It Earth continues to introduce impactful content to classrooms across BC and expand into Ontario’s school system, they are challenging themselves to further improve the team’s efficiency. “We’re not looking to be more profitable, we just want to see if we can create a 32-hour work week so that we can all enjoy more time away from our desks,” explains Melissa. “We want to build a company with the discipline that enables us to sell it and with a culture healthy enough to keep us here for another 25 years.”

Connect with Melissa and Mike or learn more about Live It Earth.

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How We Support

“In business, you’re either a painkiller or a vitamin. A painkiller is something that’s costing you and needs to be fixed right away. A vitamin is nice to have but you’ll survive without it,” explains Angela Nagy, founder of GreenStep Solutions. “Sustainable practices used to be a vitamin. Now, whether it’s because of consumer demand, industry reliance, or because climate change is directly impacting you, it’s become a painkiller.”

GreenStep has been providing assessments, software, and certifications that support organizations as they seek to measure and improve their climate impact and sustainability efforts. By designing a self-assessment tool and building their own carbon footprint software, they are able to identify the current level of a small to medium-sized business’s impact and what actions they need to take. With their unique approach, GreenStep has been able to work with notable Canadian organizations such as Pela, Tentree, FortisBC and BC Hydro, and more recently has been supporting businesses as far across the border as China, Italy and Norway.

Since starting up in 2008, GreenStep has persevered as a “vitamin”. However, now they are acting as a painkiller creating solutions that enable businesses to recognize and rectify the impact they have on the environment. While more and more businesses embrace new sustainable practices, GreenStep’s founder Angela Nagy always knew this is where we were headed.

“When I was younger, I saw two choices for my future: Become a professional activist with Greenpeace or start my own business and save the world,” recalls Angela. “I chose becoming an entrepreneur because I knew I could tear down barriers, break rules and put myself on the bleeding edge of change.”

While working with GreenStep’s first consulting client, Sysco Kelowna, Angela realized that there was a gap in the sustainability-assessment market. While companies like Deloitte, PwC and McKinsey could evaluate larger companies, no one was providing affordable assessments to small and medium-sized businesses—especially the tourism industry. The critical piece? Turning the assessments into a tech resource.

“We want to make sustainability accessible by breaking it down into chunks that small business owners can use as a guide and develop an action plan that doesn’t require them to hire someone for tens of thousands of dollars,” says Angela. “We’re building these DIY tools that are either free—for those getting started—or feasible for small businesses.”

We want to make sustainability accessible.

In 2012, Angela joined Accelerate Okanagan’s Venture Acceleration Program with an idea of how they could turn GreenStep’s assessments into a tech solution to find their product/market fit. It was during this time that Angela was introduced to Fraser Campbell, a mentor who would continue to lend his guidance even after she had left the program. “He was instrumental in helping me get through those times and fight for what I had worked for,” said Angela.

To facilitate its goal, GreenStep acquired carbon footprint software and a licensed sustainability program. A few years later, they wrote their own assessment criteria that organizations could use to determine their sustainability performance and compare their score against other businesses. The outcomes of this tool are then used by GreenStep’s team to support the business in pursuing certification for its sustainable practices or to develop recommendations and strategies to reduce its environmental impact.

This assessment has been recognized by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council and even led some destinations to make a game of their scores, “A tourism organization in Ontario has issued a challenge to their counterpart in BC stating that they’ll achieve a better score,” Angela laughed.

The criteria in the assessments are broken down into key sections that look at:

  • Management of the organization
  • Socio-economic impacts in areas like the labour force
  • Local purchasing
  • Natural and cultural heritage (from local artisans to indigenous culture)
  • Environmental impacts
  • And eco-efficiency (energy, water, waste and carbon)

Even if you don’t care about the polar bears or the ice caps, it just makes business sense.

While the internally developed self-assessment tool was gaining traction, the software they had acquired needed to be rebuilt in order to meet the needs of GreenStep’s audience. The added scope meant that the team needed to wait until it was easier to sell a tool l that would be used to determine a business’s carbon footprint based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Now, with so much growing interest in carbon measurement, GreenStep is bringing its carbon footprint software to the forefront of its offerings.

Even without a dedicated marketing or a sales team, clients are finding GreenStep. Positive referrals and search engine results have pushed Angela to focus on hiring more practitioners to keep up with the demand the team is facing. Though, this doesn’t come as a surprise to Angela, “the business case for sustainability is an easy one to make. Even if you don’t care about the polar bears or the ice caps, it just makes business sense.”

From supporting businesses year after year (and attending Climate Reality Project training with Al Gore), Angela is well-versed in the organizational benefits that come from sustainability, “A business can expect to see around 5% savings per year on its energy-related costs. Often these don’t require a lot of upfront investment and, with available rebates combined with GreenStep’s EcoFund program, no upfront cost. Depending on how aggressive the business is, over 5-7 years, that savings can reach up to 75%.”

By examining a business’s purchasing policies, there may even be an opportunity to save 30% in waste reduction. For example, most organizations utilize single-use plastics for things like utensils or cups. Not only is there a lot of cost in resupplying these items but there is also a cost associated with having someone haul all that garbage away.

An unexpected benefit can be a business’s increase in revenue. By offering new products or services that focus specifically on sustainability in some way, there is potential to see a 10% increase in sales. This is because, when given two similar options, customers will choose the one with the option that has a positive impact on the environment even if it costs a bit extra.

The last benefit that Angela explains is employee productivity, attraction and retention. “It can be difficult to measure but there is a ton of research that shows people want to work with companies that align with personal values and are making a positive difference. They’re more loyal, they stay longer and do better work.”

W Venture was perfect to help me manage GreenStep’s growth.

As GreenStep continues to grow and gain traction, Angela has been grateful for the support she’s received from her mentors and local networks. During her time in the W Venture program, she had the opportunity to work with a group of women entrepreneurs, share experiences and lend support. Notably, Shannon Susko, author of the 3HAG Way, delivered training that came at just the right time. “She took us through the concepts from her book and then I locked myself in a hotel room for a few days and started planning the business in 3-year cycles,” recalled Angela. “W Venture was really significant in helping me to manage GreenStep’s growth over the last few years. The timing was perfect.”

Now, GreenStep is looking to hire an international team so that they can better manage their incoming clients and proactively target businesses around the world. However, Angela is adamant that GreenStep will always be a Canadian-based company and that she is enjoying the support found in the Okanagan. “There’s an amazing entrepreneurial community of great people to be inspired by. Being a part of the Women’s Equity Lab and their awesome network of women—who have spent their entire adult lives building really successful careers for themselves—has been amazing.”

Looking to the future, Angela is eager to expand the audience for GreenStep’s assessments and introduce new tools that can bring sustainability to more industries. Though she does hope to see a transition in why businesses seek out GreenStep’s services from being predominantly financial and operational motivated to doing what’s right for the planet.

Angela references a cartoon by Joel Pett that illustrates her sentiment:

Connect with Angela and learn more about GreenStep Solutions.

Start Your Innovation Journey

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How We Support

This week, we celebrate a milestone. W Venture, a program committed to advancing entrepreneurial women, concludes its pilot run in British Columbia. The program was supported by the Digital Technology Supercluster in an effort to increase the capacity for women entrepreneurs in the region and ensure that they are able to receive the training and support they need to succeed in their ventures.

Thirty companies, in three cohorts, went through the program. These cohorts were run by Accelerate Okanagan, VIATEC, and the University of Victoria—organizing companies located in their respective regions. Founders came to the program from a wide variety of industries, including wellness, cleantech, e-commerce, biotech, and enterprise software.

Here is a closer look at the trailblazers and innovators who participated in the Okanagan cohort:








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Keep an eye on Accelerate Okanagan’s blog for more stories on W Venture and entrepreneurs in our community.

Looking for business support? Connect with our Programs Team.

Interested in learning more about W Venture? Read W Venture Explained.



W Venture, created by Accelerate Okanagan, University of Victoria, and VIATEC alongside the Digital Technology Supercluster starts it’s three-month program today to advance entrepreneurial women in British Columbia.

With its inception only a few months ago, W Venture has elicited an immense response, attracting women entrepreneurs from across the province who are ready to accelerate their businesses. Thirty-one startups have been selected from varied industries, including wellness, cleantech, e-commerce, biotech, and enterprise software. 

Among the participating ventures, there is a diverse selection of founder ages, backgrounds, business experience and company size, creating fertile soil for connections and opportunities to flourish. Each will gain the necessary skills to confidently address their unique business challenges through personalized, hands-on support from curated mentors and subject-matter experts. 

“We’re really impressed with the caliber of applicants we received here in BC,” says Program Manager Shelley Voyer. “The quality of these ventures demonstrates the massive potential there is for women in the tech sector and we’re proud to support the BC tech community by working with these companies.” 

In collaboration, Accelerate Okanagan, University of Victoria, VIATEC, and their partners are leveraging their combined expertise to provide training while helping participants connect with a community of peers from across the province. 

“With the launch of W Venture, we are clearly building leadership capacity throughout the province which is one of our core mandates for the Supercluster. The response from women founders has been fantastic,” says Sue Paish, CEO, Digital Technology Supercluster. “After surpassing our target of twenty-four qualified applicants we increased program capacity to thirty-one, which could still not meet the demand. There’s clearly an appetite in innovative industries for business training expertise.”

Currently, women founders in the Victoria tech industry are the small minority at only 10% and less than 39% of the tech workforce in the Okanagan are women. Programs like W Venture are committed to expanding opportunities in this ever-changing landscape of industries, in which women continue to remain underrepresented. 

Selected ventures include:

Abella Fashion Inc., Penticton

Axolotl Biosciences, Victoria

Bin Breeze, Vancouver

Covault Technologies, Victoria

Daily Ritual, Victoria 

Dementia Connection, Victoria

EstateBox, Kelowna

Flathaus Solutions, Victoria

Fictionary, Victoria

GreenStep Solutions Inc., Kelowna

Hibou, Victoria

Inqli Inc., Victoria

Joyster, Vancouver Island

Kooshoo, Victoria

Kilo Lima Code Inc., West Kelowna

Live It, Nelson

Mammoth & Co., Victoria

MeepMeep, Victoria

Nyoka Design Labs, Victoria

Origen Air/Origen Clean, Victoria

Optimind Clinic Inc, Victoria

Paintilli, Victoria

RecStaff, Victoria

Simplified Social, Kelowna

Solar-Ventures; Victoria

Spotlight Solutions, Vancouver 

Sustainable Life App, Kelowna

Tantalus Medical Communications Ltd., Lake Country 

The Digital Gal, Victoria

Unboxals Creative Ltd., Kelowna

Voxcell Innovation, Victoria

Have questions about W Venture? Connect with our Programs Manager, Jenna Stasuk, or visit our website for more details.

W Venture has been co-created by community partners and women entrepreneurs from across the province. The collective goal was to develop a flexible curriculum that supported the unique needs of women as they navigate the stages of their entrepreneurial journey.

– Jenna Stasuk, Program Manager 

W Venture is a personalized, hands-on program to help women entrepreneurs advance their innovative businesses. Over the course of 3-months, the entrepreneurs will work through a curriculum customized to their assessed needs. W Venture is specifically designed to build entrepreneurial capacity for women and their tech-enabled ventures in British Columbia.

Skill and strategy setting to get started.

Together, we will build a personalized plan to help you acquire the skills you need to advance. All based on your goals, your experience, and stage of your company. We create your unique roadmap, identifying what skills, knowledge and support systems will help you on your entrepreneurial journey.

Pick and choose your own workshop adventure.

Advance your knowledge base and hard skills in core business areas such as  Strategy, Finance, Sales, Digital Marketing and Growth Capital delivered by world-class professionals who are dedicated to your success.  All in a format that lets you choose what you need to learn.

Hands-on support through our Impact Initiative.

We’re committed to helping you work through the obstacles holding you back from success. Together we will identify a major challenge that you are currently facing and partner you with the right subject matter expert (SME) to help solve that challenge.

Connect with peers and mentors.

Grow professionally and personally with the option to work with an experienced female mentor matched to your needs. Our peer accountability group will help you stay on track and can relate to your challenges. Additional W Venture community gatherings connect you to a province-wide network of like-minded entrepreneurial women.

This program has been created by leveraging the seasoned expertise of Accelerate Okanagan, University of Victoria, and VIATEC.  Local entrepreneurs have been consulted along every step of the creation process to ensure impact on the community of entrepreneurial women. In addition, Waterloo’s Communitech and Kelowna’s PurposeFive have lent their expertise in the designing of the program’s curriculum. Due to COVID-19 content will be delivered virtually.

Applications are open until July 31st.

Apply Now >>

Info Session >>

Have questions about W Venture? Connect with our Programs Manager, Jenna Stasuk.

W Venture, a program committed to advancing entrepreneurial women launches in BC. Accelerate Okanagan, University of Victoria and VIATEC have joined forces alongside the Digital Technology Supercluster to advance innovative entrepreneurial women in British Columbia.

W Venture is a three-month pilot program for women in Victoria and the Okanagan who are ready to accelerate their business. Participants will gain the necessary skills to confidently address their unique business challenges, giving these women-led companies the greatest chance of success. This is done through personalized, hands-on support from curated mentors and subject-matter experts while connecting with a community of peers from across the province.

“We set out to co-create something that was truly collaborative and supported the unique needs of female entrepreneurs,” says Program Manager Shelley Voyer. “Women from across the province told us they wanted a program that is actionable and accountable while focusing on her unique journey. W Venture delivers on this promise. I hope any woman who is bold enough to build her own tech-enabled company applies.”

Leveraging the seasoned expertise of Accelerate Okanagan, University of Victoria, VIATEC, and their partners, training is set to create a meaningful impact on the community of entrepreneurial women. In addition, Waterloo’s Communitech and Kelowna’s PurposeFive have also lent their expertise in the designing of the program’s curriculum. Through this diverse collaboration, W Venture aims to provide a focused and engaging experience for women in the entrepreneurial community.

“The Digital Technology Supercluster is committed to inspiring community-wide growth and innovation, and it is paramount that the systematic challenges that women face are met with practical strategies and exceptional support,” says Sue Paish, CEO, Digital Technology Supercluster. “W Venture is one of several projects in our Capacity Building Program that seeks to close the gap and help women entrepreneurs succeed and our communities to thrive. Women-led businesses are a vital force for a vibrant economy.”

Only 10% of Victoria’s tech companies have a female founder, and less than 39% of the tech workforce in the Okanagan is female. While the rapidly expanding technology sector is creating new opportunities in an ever-changing landscape of industries, women continue to remain underrepresented.

The program will be delivered remotely due to COVID-19. This allows women entrepreneurs from across British Columbia to access the program.

Applications are open now until July 31st, with the program kicking off in early September.

For more information about W Venture and to apply, visit our website

For more information, connect with Accelerate Okanagan’s Programs Manager, Jenna Stasuk