Local Economic Impact Study


Accelerate Okanagan and KPMG are conducting an economic impact study for the Okanagan tech sector. The study will be based on 2023 and measure key economic outputs of the sector, such as jobs, revenue, and investment, while also seeking to uncover deeper challenges and opportunities facing businesses in the Okanagan region.

Thank you to all of the companies that participated in the 2023 Economic Impact Study. The final report will be released in September 2024.


Supporting With Strong Data

Benefits of the Study

Benchmarking and Performance: It provides a benchmark to measure the sector’s performance over time, tracking progress and impact.

Understanding Contribution: It helps quantify the sector’s economic contribution to the local economy.

Informed Policy Making: The data can be used to make informed choices on regulations, tax incentives, and other sector supports.

Attracting Talent & Investment:  Using data to showcase our region can, we can attract new opportunities, investors, and talent.

Storytelling and Marketing: It promotes unified storytelling and acts as a promotional tool to highlight the strengths and opportunities.

Strategic Planning & Resource Allocation: The final report can be used to inform and develop strategic plans.

Regional Reporting

Participating In the Study

Tech companies located in the Okanagan Similkameen, the Central Okanagan, the North Okanagan, into the Columbia-Shuswap are asked to participate (see areas highlighted in red on the map). The survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. Data will be de-identified and only shared publicly in aggregate form.

Before getting started, you should gather:

  • 2022 and 2023 Calendar Year Total Revenues
  • 2022 and 2023 Calendar Year Total Expenses (capital and operational)
  • 2022 and 2023 Calendar Year Total Employee Count and Demographics
  • Capital Raised (if applicable)

Thank You to Our Supporters



Frequently Asked Questions

Why fill in this survey?

Having data to support the Okanagan tech sector is valuable for joint storytelling, setting a strong baseline, advocating for our region, and informing the larger community. The final report can be a catalyst for change and action and help companies with strategic decision-making. We look forward to sharing the final results with you, the Okanagan tech community, and beyond.

What types of companies should fill in the Economic Impact Study?

If your business self-identifies as a tech, we want to hear from you! No company is too big or too small.

Tech can include, but is not limited to, advanced manufacturing, aerospace, Information and Communications Tech, scientific research, telecom and wireless, SaaS, e-commerce, fin-tech, AI, animation, film and gaming, medtech and life sciences, and more. In the study we ask companies to self select all sub-sectors that apply to them.

Who at my company is best to complete the survey?

Founders, C-Suite, Senior Management, or HR would be the best fit to complete the survey.

What region is included in this study?

The Okanagan Similkameen region, the Central Okanagan region, the North Okanagan Region, and a portion of the Columbia-Shuswap Region that includes Salmon Arm. Please see map below.

What information do I need ready before starting the survey?

  • 2022 and 2023 Calendar Year Total Revenues
  • 2022 and 2023 Calendar Year Total Expenses (capital and operational)
  • 2022 and 2023 Calendar Year Total Employee Count and Demographics
  • Capital Raised (if applicable)
  • There will be questions that are open-ended where we are looking for your thoughts and recommendations, any insights here are helpful

What if my business wasn’t in operation for all of 2022 or 2023? Can I still complete the survey?

Yes you can, please still fill in the sections relevant to your business and then put not/applicable for the questions that don’t apply to your business.

When does the survey need to be completed?

The survey closes June 30th, 2024

Can I start the study and return to it later?

Yes, you can begin the work and come back to fill it in if you stay on the same laptop and browser, however we recommend getting it all done in one go.

How long will it take to complete the survey?

The base mandatory questions take 15 minutes if you have the information ready (see FAQ around what information to have ready). We have many “optional” questions that help inform the study, which would take around an additional 10 minutes.

What happens with the data?

The data your company provides will be analyzed by KPMG, which we have leveraged as the contractor for this work. KPMG will be analyzing the responses received in this study to create a final public document that will include aggregated outputs like a final Economic Impact dollar figure, size of the tech community, etc. They will provide other qualitative insights from the content provided to paint the bigger picture of the Okanagan tech community.

We assure you that your information will be kept strictly confidential.The data you provide will only be shared in de-identified form and publicly released in aggregate form.

What about satellite offices?

You’re a Satellite Office: If your company is headquartered in the defined region but has satellite offices outside the area, please provide responses that include the total expenditures for all offices, including those outside the defined region.

You HAVE Satellite Offices: If your office is a satellite location of a company headquartered outside the defined region, please provide responses that only include the expenditures for the office(s) located within the defined region.

The 2017 Numbers


Tech Workforce in the Okanagan


Economic Impact of OKGNtech


Tech Businesses in the Okanagan

Past Economic Impact Studies

As part of our ongoing mission to support and develop new and growing technology-driven businesses, we’ve been assessing the economic impact of the tech sector in the Okanagan since 2013.