Ready to Rocket | 2020

News April 15, 2020

Posted by Harrison Crerar

Ready to Rocket | 2020 Featured Image

It’s all here now, and the 2020 Ready to Rocket winners are demonstrating just that.

Ready to Rocket is a unique business recognition list that profiles B.C. technology companies with the greatest potential for revenue growth. Since 2003, the Ready to Rocket list has consistently predicted the revenue growth leaders and the companies most likely to attract investment.

Check out the winners from our OKGNtech community:

Emerging Rockets in Life Science

Emerging Rockets in Agri-Food

Ready to Rocket in Agri-Food

Ready to Rocket in Digital Health

Emerging Rockets in Digital Health

Ready to Rocket in Information and Communication Tech

Emerging Rockets in Information and Communication Tech

A BIG congratulations to all of the Ready to Rocket winners. We look forward to seeing you take off in 2020.

Keep your eye out for these local companies around the Okanagan! You can check out the full list of Ready to Rocket winners here.

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