Meet Allie Henderson

We Are OKGNtech February 14, 2022

Posted by Harrison Crerar

Meet Allie Henderson Featured Image

A strong community can promote new ideas and ensure accountability. It can also act as motivation, support, and even provide a little friendly competition. The power of community is undeniable and the Okanagan tech community is no exception.

Our community is strong and growing with record speed and maintaining a connection through a period of growth like this can be a challenge. Nobody panic, we’ve got a plan.

We are #OKGNtech is a showcase of Okanagan tech entrepreneurs, partners, supporters, and cheerleaders designed to fuel more connection, more growth, and more excitement. Follow along on the blog and on Instagram @OKGNtech to learn more about our growing community and what makes them awesome.

Meet Allie. Allie Henderson is the Founder of Henderson & Co. When she’s not helping impact-driven businesses grow through Facebook advertising, you’ll find Allie outdoors, caring for her horses and training them for show jumping competitions.

Why did you choose the Okanagan to call home? 

I was born and raised in Kelowna but I’ve also lived in Greece, around the US and in Toronto. It was cool to explore the world, but the Okanagan was always home. It’s where I can really have a work-life balance doing what I enjoy—riding horses, biking and just being outside.

Where do you work in the Okanagan? 

I own an advertising agency called Henderson & Co where I work with clients as their business growth partner running Facebook ads. I like helping the companies and getting into a buyer’s mindset but running a business can be a battle, balancing the work that I love and managing the people and processes. I’m trying to keep my agency quite small and outsource work to trusted colleagues so I can focus on my favourite parts of running the business.

What do you enjoy most about your role? 

I’ve decided to only work with clients who are making a positive impact on humanity. I love creating strategies and finding ways to connect with people through marketing. In advertising, you succeed when you can connect with someone, position the business as a solution to a problem, and pull the customer out of the platform to learn more and make a purchase. When I can align with a client’s values,  success comes much easier.

What advice would you give to someone interested in a job like yours? 

Get a job. You’re either going to pay someone to teach you how to do the work or you’re going to get paid to learn it by someone with experience. There are so many companies where you can still have a work-life balance, be in alignment with their values and feel appreciated. Jobs are not bad things; they can be great vehicles to develop and master your skill. It’s always a better experience when you can train in an ecosystem that encourages you to learn more.

How were you first introduced to the OKGNtech community?

I had a meal prep company and was struggling so bad. I was connected with Accelerate Okanagan and got to work with their executive-in-residence, Alison Yesilcimen. She really helped me keep the business running which eventually led to me hiring a Facebook advertiser. That’s when I saw that she had four clients, was making great money and could work from anywhere in the world. That contrast against me being in the kitchen, working on meal prep, got me curious about being in that industry.

What do you enjoy about the OKGNtech community?

There are so many great minds in OKGNtech and when I spend time at Tonit’s office, which I often do, I end up seeing opportunities that I wouldn’t otherwise. All the tech goes a bit over my head but I find myself meandering my way back into the Innovation Centre to stay connected with the community. The mental growth that happens in those spaces is such a cool thing.

The best piece of advice you often share with others?

Acknowledging and celebrating the 1% wins will keep you going. That’s what the big wins are made of. I’ve fallen victim to all-or-nothing goals or over-reaching for those big milestones, but the 1% wins can go a long way. We usually only see the big wins, which can change the way we perceive our own accomplishments and how we think the world works. It’s important to remember that the backstory to every success is made of those small, 1% wins.

Is there something you want to be remembered for?

I’ve failed so much and there are a lot of things I’ve done wrong. I want to be seen as someone who never gave up. I used to see myself as a failure who didn’t know what they wanted to be but I never stopped trying new things. Sometimes you’ll get sh*tty moments that don’t turn out as you planned but you just need to pick up the pieces and move on. You never know what will happen next.

Connect with Allie to learn more about Henderson & Co. Ready for more? Meet Ryan.

It’s always a better experience when you can train in an ecosystem that encourages you to learn more.


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