Over the last six weeks, the OKGN Angel Summit investor group has been busy evaluating companies and narrowing down the entrepreneurs who will pitch live at the public Finale on March 18. 29 investors have reviewed, evaluated, and performed due diligence with over 40 applicants and found their finalists. This year, the final top 6 companies are pitching for a chance to receive a $145K investment in their business.
One of the biggest challenges facing entrepreneurs is access to growth capital. Our goal with the virtual format was to ease accessibility for those entrepreneurs looking to raise money. We are thrilled to see companies from all around BC and from a variety of sectors make it to this stage in the Summit.
This year’s Finale has entrepreneurs pitching from Vancouver, Kelowna, Nelson, and Salmon Arm. In addition to their chance at the investment, each finalist will get an exclusive one-on-one meeting with Canadian business icon and OKGN Angel Summit keynote speaker, Arlene Dickinson.
The Summit’s Finale is the culmination of a 10-week program that seeks to educate new angel investors and entrepreneurs on the investment process, while also working to improve access to capital for growing businesses in the BC startup ecosystem. It’s not just about one winner, it’s about training companies and investors, making it easier for them to invest and to get investment.
Here is a look at this year’s finalists:
The Finale will be hosted on Remo, a virtual networking platform that allows for attendees to move around the venue, gather with friends in small groups, and chat one-on-one with other guests.
For tickets, more information, and a complete list of the participating companies, please visit www.okgnangelsummit.com.