12 Companies Advance to the OKGN Angel Summit Semi-Finals

Blog February 17, 2021

Posted by Harrison Crerar

12 Companies Advance to the OKGN Angel Summit Semi-Finals Featured Image

The battle is on and things are heating up! Our group of investors have been busy meeting week-over-week to review the 24 companies in the quarter-finals. Now, they’ve cut the list of companies in half. The remaining 12 companies participated in a pitch event where they delivered a 10-minute pitch followed by a 5-minute Q&A with the investors.

If you are just learning about our OKGN Angel Summit, it is a 10-week program where accredited investors are introduced to the world of angel investing through a guided, hands-on process where a small venture capital fund is raised, deals are screened, and an actual investment in a company is made. This process provides participating companies with a chance to learn how businesses are vetted,  perform due diligence, and make improvements on their pitch week.

This year the companies are pitching for a $145K investment. The 29 participating investors have already evaluated and refined the list from over 40 participating companies to the Top 12.

Let’s meet this year’s semi-finalists:



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Tickets are now available for the 2021 OKGN Angel Summit Finale on March 18! 6 companies will make their final pitch for a chance at a $145K investment. It’s Dragons’ Den meets American Idol. Want to join us? Sign up here >>

Who will advance to the next round? Who will the investors say goodbye to? Stay tuned next week when we announce the Final 6! We’ll be sharing stories of the companies and the investors each week until the Finale on March 18.

For tickets and more information on the OKGN Angel Summit visit www.okgnangelsummit.com.

Here is latest in OKGN Angel Summit 2021 news:

24 Companies Pitch for $145K Investment at the 2021 OKGN Angel Summit >>

Arlene Dickinson Joins the 2021 Finale as Keynote Speaker >>

OKGN Angel Summit 2021 Explained >>

OKGN Angel Summit | Investor Insights >>

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